Conditions of Use

Our Terms & Conditions

We CANNOT guarantee your requested delivery time. We will try our best to get your order delivered during your requested delivery time, but we cannot guarantee your order will be delivered during your requested time period. Orders cannot be cancelled or refunded because they have not been delivered during your requested delivery time. We do not contact customers regarding delays on "Requested Delivery Time".

OUR 24 HOUR FRESHNESS GUARANTEE We guarantee your gift basket will be delivered in fresh condition. If for any reason your gift basket should arrive in poor condition, please call us within 24 hours for replacement.


We make every reasonable effort to deliver orders on the day specified by the sender. However; if we are unable to contact the recipient or the recipient is unavailable to receive the gift baskett within our delivery hours, then the delivery will be scheduled for as early as possible on the next delivery day. We will not accept an order cancellation if we have made a good faith effort to deliver the gift basket on the original day selected by the sender. No order cancellations will be accepted if refused by the recipient due to reasons other than product quality, in which case we will immediately replace the faulty product. Orders over $500 cannot be cancelled within 2 weeks of order placement.

We reserve the right to refuse any order at anytime for any reason. Thank you for your understanding.